Friday, May 25, 2007

*Boom* (Dead Ends and Wrong paths)

Friday Morning.

I'm supposed to be at school again.. Haay... So. . . I'm here, I ran short of money to complete the enrollment procedure. . .

Ahahaha! I'm also worried about the RP... Chances are, I won't be able to go online for a week! *(not only online, but use the PC too)* I think I'll just let Nanao drag me around a bit...

Hey! So, what was I doing this week? Hmm... Running around to finish the enrollment, of course. I planned to meet someone, but Umm... Well.. We didn't meet. Oh.. And I'm off playing offline games again. So, I'm not online for hours at a time. My connection's still off a bit. . .

Oh! And it rained yesterday. The ground's still a bit muddy outside. Hee hee!

I think I'll get a flu if I'm not careful (I get sick at this season...)!

So, what does the title mean? Umm... The dead ends and wrong paths are the reason why we're off with this fiasco right now. And it's bad.

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